A.K.A. Stardust
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When I was 20 I studied Cosmology and Nuclear Physics in the U.K. as part of my A-Level in Physics. I enjoyed these two modules more than any of the other modules. What was particularly fascinating is the similarity between the macro and the micro of everything.
When you go micro into our body you encounter the building blocks of life in the form of atoms like this one illustrated here below. The majority of these atoms were created inside stars long before earth ever existed. We are literally mostly Stardust! ✨ Isn’t that amazing? But that’s not all.
colored pencil drawing by Kjell van Zoen
Atoms consist of a nucleus at the center made up of neutrons and protons (blue and red), orbited by electrons (green) in various orbits. And everything is held together by electromagnetic forces that pull the electrons towards the nucleus.
When you go macro and look at entire solar systems, the stars* that created these atoms sit at the center of solar systems (blue and red), orbited by planets (green) in various orbits. And everything is held together by gravitational forces that pull the planets towards the stars.
Isn’t it a mindf**k that atoms mimic or influence the solar systems whose stars are creating these atoms in the first place? 🤯
* unlike our solar system with the sun as our single star, most solar systems are multi-star systems that have anywhere from two to seven stars in a single system